Alert results for: The effect of paramilitaries on society in Northern Ireland Inquiry

Information between 7th December 2022 - 19th June 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Select Committee Documents
Wednesday 18th January 2023
Oral Evidence - Women’s Resource and Development Agency, Women’s Aid Federation NI, and Women’s Support Network

The effect of paramilitaries on society in Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee
Wednesday 8th February 2023
Correspondence - Correspondence to the PSNI relating to the effect of paramilitary activity and organised crime on society in Northern Ireland inquiry, 24 January 2023

The effect of paramilitaries on society in Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee
Wednesday 8th February 2023
Correspondence - Correspondence from the PSNI relating to the effect of paramilitary activity and organised crime on society in Northern Ireland inquiry, 1 February 2023

The effect of paramilitaries on society in Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee
Wednesday 8th March 2023
Correspondence - Correspondence from Northern Ireland Prison Service, relating to the effect of paramilitary activity and organised crime on society in Northern Ireland, 6 March 2023

The effect of paramilitaries on society in Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee
Wednesday 8th March 2023
Oral Evidence - Northern Ireland Office, Northern Ireland Office, and Northern Ireland Office

The effect of paramilitaries on society in Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee
Wednesday 26th April 2023
Oral Evidence - Independent Reporting Commission, Independent Reporting Commission, Independent Reporting Commission, and Independent Reporting Commission

The effect of paramilitaries on society in Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee
Wednesday 1st February 2023
Oral Evidence - The Stop Attacks Forum, and The Stop Attacks Forum

The effect of paramilitaries on society in Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee
Wednesday 22nd February 2023
Oral Evidence - Northern Ireland Prison Service, and Northern Ireland Prison Service

The effect of paramilitaries on society in Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee
Wednesday 1st February 2023
Oral Evidence - Commission for Victims and Survivors Northern Ireland, Wave Trauma Centre, and South East Fermanagh Foundation

The effect of paramilitaries on society in Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee
Wednesday 18th January 2023
Oral Evidence - Women’s Resource and Development Agency, Women’s Aid Federation NI, and Women’s Support Network

The effect of paramilitaries on society in Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee
Monday 12th December 2022
Oral Evidence - Independent Reporting Commission, Independent Reporting Commission, Independent Reporting Commission, and Independent Reporting Commission

The effect of paramilitaries on society in Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee
Wednesday 22nd February 2023
Oral Evidence - East Belfast Mission, and Christians Against Poverty (CAP)

The effect of paramilitaries on society in Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee
Thursday 2nd February 2023
Written Evidence - Professor Marie Breen-Smyth the Independent Reviewer of the exercised powers under the Justice and Security (Northern Ireland) Act 2007
PNI0025 - The effect of paramilitary activity and organised crime on society in Northern Ireland

The effect of paramilitaries on society in Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee
Tuesday 17th October 2023
Oral Evidence - Centre for the Union

The effect of paramilitaries on society in Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee
Wednesday 18th October 2023
Oral Evidence - The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, and Dr Seán Brennan, Independent Researcher

The effect of paramilitaries on society in Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee