Alert results for: Russia: effective economic sanctions Inquiry

Information between 12th October 2021 - 8th July 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Select Committee Documents
Monday 11th July 2022
Correspondence - Letter from the Financial Conduct Authority, relating to its financial sanctions responsibilities, dated 4 July

Russia: effective economic sanctions - Treasury Committee
Monday 11th July 2022
Correspondence - Letter from the Chair to the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation and Economic Crime, relating to the ‘Russia: effective economic sanctions’ session on 22 June, dated 5 July

Russia: effective economic sanctions - Treasury Committee
Monday 20th June 2022
Correspondence - Letter from the Chair to the FCA, relating to its financial sanctions responsibilities, dated 20 June

Russia: effective economic sanctions - Treasury Committee
Monday 20th June 2022
Correspondence - Letter from the Chair to HMRC, relating to its trade sanctions responsibilities, dated 20 June

Russia: effective economic sanctions - Treasury Committee
Thursday 9th June 2022
Special Report - First Special Report - Defeating Putin: the development, implementation and impact of economic sanctions on Russia: Government Response to the Committee’s Twelfth Report of Session 2021–22

Russia: effective economic sanctions - Treasury Committee
Monday 18th July 2022
Correspondence - Letter from HMRC, relating to its trade sanctions responsibilities, dated 8 July

Russia: effective economic sanctions - Treasury Committee
Tuesday 15th March 2022
Oral Evidence - Professor Jagjit Chadha (Director at National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR)), Tony Danker (Director-General at The Confederation of British Industry (CBI)), Nathan Piper (Head of Oil and Gas Research at Investec), and Dr Amrita Sen (Director of Research at Energy Aspects)
14 March 2022

Russia: effective economic sanctions - Treasury Committee
Wednesday 23rd March 2022
Inquiry Publications - Twelfth Report - Defeating Putin: the development, implementation and impact of economic sanctions on Russia

Russia: effective economic sanctions - Treasury Committee
Tuesday 11th October 2022
Correspondence - Letter from Giles Thomson, Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, relating to the ‘Russia: effective economic sanctions’ inquiry, dated 5 September

Russia: effective economic sanctions - Treasury Committee
Tuesday 15th March 2022
Written Evidence - Energy Aspects
RES0001 - Russia: effective economic sanctions

Russia: effective economic sanctions - Treasury Committee
Wednesday 22nd June 2022
Oral Evidence - HM Treasury, and HM Treasury

Russia: effective economic sanctions - Treasury Committee
Tuesday 8th March 2022
Oral Evidence - Dr Justine Walker (Head of Global Sanctions and Risk at Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists), Natasha de Terán (Payments policy expert), Tom Keatinge (Director at The Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies (CFCS), RUSI), and Neil Shearing (Group Chief Economist at Capital Economics)
Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists, Natasha de Terán, The Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies (CFCS), RUSI, and Capital Economics

Russia: effective economic sanctions - Treasury Committee
Monday 21st March 2022
Oral Evidence - Professor Jagjit Chadha (Director at National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR)), Tony Danker (Director-General at The Confederation of British Industry (CBI)), Nathan Piper (Head of Oil and Gas Research at Investec), and Dr Amrita Sen (Director of Research at Energy Aspects)
National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR), The Confederation of British Industry (CBI), Investec, and Energy Aspects

Russia: effective economic sanctions - Treasury Committee
Tuesday 26th April 2022
Oral Evidence - Neil Roberts (Head of Marine and Aviation at Lloyd’s Market Association), Elina Ribakova (Deputy Chief Economist at Institute of International Finance), and Dr Nigel Gould-Davies (Senior Fellow for Russia and Eurasia at International Institute for Strategic Studies)
Lloyd’s Market Association, Institute of International Finance, and International Institute for Strategic Studies

Russia: effective economic sanctions - Treasury Committee