Alert results for: The role of the CJEU in relation to the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland Inquiry

Information between 23rd September 2021 - 19th June 2024

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Select Committee Documents
Monday 24th January 2022
Oral Evidence - Professor Catherine Barnard (Professor of European and Employment Law at University of Cambridge), Martin Howe QC, and Anton Spisak (Policy Lead for Trade and Productivity at Tony Blair Institute)
20 January 2022

The role of the CJEU in relation to the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland - Windsor Framework Sub-Committee
Friday 11th February 2022
Correspondence - Letter to the Foreign Secretary on role of CJEU under the Protocol, dated 11 February 2022

The role of the CJEU in relation to the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland - Windsor Framework Sub-Committee
Wednesday 30th March 2022
Correspondence - Letter from The Rt Hon. James Cleverly MP, Minister of State for Europe and North America, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office on the Court of Justice of the European Union under the Northern Ireland Protocol, 25 March 2022

The role of the CJEU in relation to the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland - Windsor Framework Sub-Committee
Monday 24th January 2022
Oral Evidence - Professor Catherine Barnard (Professor of European and Employment Law at University of Cambridge), Martin Howe QC, and Anton Spisak (Policy Lead for Trade and Productivity at Tony Blair Institute)
University of Cambridge, Martin Howe QC, and Tony Blair Institute

The role of the CJEU in relation to the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland - Windsor Framework Sub-Committee