Alert results for: Court Capacity Inquiry

Information between 20th April 2022 - 8th July 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Select Committee Documents
Wednesday 27th April 2022
Inquiry Publications - Sixth report - Court capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Wednesday 27th April 2022
Report - Sixth report - Court capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Thursday 7th July 2022
Special Report - First Special Report - Court capacity: Government Response to the Committee’s Sixth Report of Session 2021–22

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Thursday 4th February 2021
Correspondence - Letter to the Lord Chancellor, dated 3 February 2021, regarding the situation in the Crown Court

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Friday 23rd July 2021
Correspondence - Criminal law roundtable transcript 8 February 2021

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Friday 23rd July 2021
Correspondence - Family Law Roundtable Transcript 14 December 2020

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 24th November 2020
Correspondence - Letter from Sir Robert Neill MP, Chair, Justice Committee to Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer, dated 19 November 2020, on funding for the courts in England and Wales

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 24th November 2020
Correspondence - Letter from Sir Robert Neill MP, Chair, Justice Committee to Rt Hon Robert Buckland QC MP, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, dated 19 November 2020, on funding for the court reform programme

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Written Evidence - Victims’ Commissioner for England and Wales
COC0043 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Wednesday 13th January 2021
Written Evidence - Ministry of Justice
COC0060 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Written Evidence - James London
COC0011 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Transform Justice
COC0022 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Personal Injuries Bar Association
COC0028 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Pregnant Then Screwed
COC0030 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Written Evidence - Association of Police and Crime Commissioners
COC0044 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Written Evidence - Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire
COC0049 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Written Evidence - Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner - Lincolnshire
COC0021 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Written Evidence - 12 CP Barristers, Southampton
COC0024 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Written Evidence - Police and Crime Commissioners in Wales
COC0023 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Written Evidence - Crighton Chambers
COC0032 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Just Fair
COC0009 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Office of the police and Crime Commissioner for Gloucestershire
COC0008 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Surrey OPCC
COC0006 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Wednesday 28th April 2021
Written Evidence - LIPSS Partnership
COC0067 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Thursday 15th April 2021
Written Evidence - Dr Graham Hieke, Professor Nigel Fielding, Professor Sabine Braun, University of Surrey
COC0066 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Thursday 15th April 2021
Written Evidence - Jane Russell
COC0065 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Written Evidence - Citizens Advice
COC0059 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Thursday 11th February 2021
Written Evidence - Institute for Government
COC0062 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Thursday 4th February 2021
Written Evidence - Anonymous submitter
COC0048 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Police & Crime Commissioner, South Yorkshire
COC0004 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Commissioner
COC0005 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Humberside Criminal Justice Board
COC0003 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Written Evidence - Fair Trials
COC0038 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Written Evidence - The Bar Council
COC0033 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner
COC0046 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Crown Prosecution Service
COC0050 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Domestic Abuse Commissioner for England and Wales
COC0052 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Bar Council
COC0047 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - JUSTICE
COC0054 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Dr Hannah Quirk
COC0056 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Crest Advisory
COC0055 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
COC0053 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Thursday 11th February 2021
Written Evidence - Irwin Mitchell LLP
COC0051 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Wednesday 24th March 2021
Written Evidence - Professor Richard Susskind OBE
COC0064 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Wednesday 24th February 2021
Written Evidence - Dr Natalie Byrom
COC0061 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Wednesday 24th February 2021
Written Evidence - Magistrates Association
COC0063 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Avon and Somerset Criminal Justice Board
COC0042 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Institute for Government
COC0040 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - National Family Mediation
COC0039 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Audrey Sander
COC0037 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Magistrates Association
COC0015 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Thursday 15th April 2021
Written Evidence - Acas (the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service)
COC0068 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Thursday 22nd April 2021
Written Evidence - HM Courts and Tribunals Service
COC0069 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Felicity Bell, Michael Legg, Joe McIntyre and Anna Olijnyk
COC0057 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - The Law Society of England and Wales
COC0034 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Keoghs LLP
COC0031 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales
COC0058 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Charity
COC0035 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Resolution
COC0017 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - The Association of Consumer Support Organisations (ACSO)
COC0019 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Carpenters Group
COC0018 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Motor Accident Solicitors Society (MASS)
COC0016 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex
COC0010 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - OPCC Leicestershire, OPCC Derbyshire, OPCC Nottinghamshire, OPCC Northamptonshire, and OPCC Lincolnshire
COC0014 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Employment Law Bar Association
COC0013 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Written Evidence - Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire
COC0012 - Court Capacity

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Tuesday 16th February 2021
Oral Evidence - Criminal Bar Association, Criminal Law Solicitors Association, Emma Fenn, and Holly Collinge

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Friday 29th January 2021
Oral Evidence - Kings College London, The Legal Education Foundation, University of Nottingham, University of Oxford, and University of Brighton

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Wednesday 17th March 2021
Oral Evidence - Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, National Police Chiefs' Council, HM Prison and Probation Service, Crown Prosecution Service, ACAS, Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), and CAFCASS

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Friday 26th March 2021
Oral Evidence - Ministry of Justice, HM Courts and Tribunals Service, Legal Aid Agency, and Ministry of Justice

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Wednesday 24th February 2021
Oral Evidence - Employment Law Bar Association, Housing Law Practitioners Association , Legal Aid Practitioners Group, and Broudie Jackson Canter

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Wednesday 3rd March 2021
Oral Evidence - Dame Vera Baird DBE QC Victims' Commissioner for England and Wales, Transform Justice, JUSTICE, Law Centres Network, and Shelter

Court Capacity - Justice Committee
Monday 18th January 2021
Oral Evidence - The Institute for Government, Crest Advisory, Magistrates Association, The Law Society, and The Bar Council

Court Capacity - Justice Committee