Alert results for: Trade and foreign policy Inquiry

Information between 20th April 2022 - 8th July 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Select Committee Documents
Wednesday 11th May 2022
Correspondence - Correspondence from the Secretary of State regarding trade measures to support the Ukrainian economy, dated 25 April 2022

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Wednesday 8th June 2022
Correspondence - Correspondence from the Secretary of State relating to additional tariff sanctions against Russia and Belarus, dated 31 May 2022

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Wednesday 9th March 2022
Correspondence - Correspondence from the Minister for International Trade regarding the Government’s written evidence on trade and foreign policy, dated 1 March 2022

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Monday 31st October 2022
Correspondence - Correspondence from the Chair to the Secretary of State relating to the Committee’s Trade and foreign policy inquiry, dated 31 October 2022

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Wednesday 11th May 2022
Correspondence - Correspondence from the Secretary of State regarding further trade sanctions on Russia and Belarus, dated 9 May 2022

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Tuesday 26th April 2022
Correspondence - Correspondence from the Secretary of State regarding import and tariff sanctions against Russia, dated 21 April 2022

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Tuesday 26th April 2022
Correspondence - Correspondence from the Secretary of State regarding the legislation laid before Parliament on 14 April to impose new trade sanctions on Russia, dated 18 April 2022

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Wednesday 18th January 2023
Correspondence - Correspondence from the Secretary of State relating to the Committee's Trade and Foreign policy inquiry, dated 3 January 2023

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Wednesday 2nd March 2022
Written Evidence - Justice for Colombia
TFP0015 - Trade and foreign policy

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Wednesday 2nd March 2022
Written Evidence - Competere Ltd
TFP0014 - Trade and foreign policy

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Wednesday 9th March 2022
Written Evidence - Department for International Trade
TFP0017 - Trade and foreign policy

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Tuesday 29th March 2022
Written Evidence - Protection Approaches
TFP0018 - Trade and foreign policy

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Tuesday 29th March 2022
Written Evidence - Campaign against Arms Trade
TFP0016 - Trade and foreign policy

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Wednesday 2nd March 2022
Written Evidence - Confederation of British Industry
TFP0008 - Trade and foreign policy

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Wednesday 2nd March 2022
Written Evidence - Institute of Economic Affairs
TFP0006 - Trade and foreign policy

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Wednesday 2nd March 2022
Written Evidence - Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland
TFP0009 - Trade and foreign policy

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Wednesday 2nd March 2022
Written Evidence - Federation of Small Businesses
TFP0007 - Trade and foreign policy

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Wednesday 2nd March 2022
Written Evidence - Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge, and School of Economics, University of Nottingham
TFP0011 - Trade and foreign policy

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Wednesday 2nd March 2022
Written Evidence - Open Doors UK and Ireland
TFP0012 - Trade and foreign policy

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Wednesday 2nd March 2022
Written Evidence - Safwaan Zamakda Allison
TFP0010 - Trade and foreign policy

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Wednesday 2nd March 2022
Written Evidence - techUK
TFP0013 - Trade and foreign policy

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Wednesday 2nd March 2022
Written Evidence - UK Trade Policy Observatory - University of Sussex
TFP0002 - Trade and foreign policy

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Wednesday 2nd March 2022
Written Evidence - World Vision UK
TFP0005 - Trade and foreign policy

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee
Wednesday 2nd March 2022
Written Evidence - AstraZeneca
TFP0004 - Trade and foreign policy

Trade and foreign policy - International Trade Committee