Thursday 19th May 2022
Written Evidence -
Lighthouse Advocacy
DPA0027 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Thursday 19th May 2022
Written Evidence -
Guernica 37 Chambers
DPA0028 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Monday 17th October 2022
Report -
Third Report - From Srebrenica to a safer tomorrow: Preventing future mass atrocities around the world
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Thursday 19th January 2023
Special Report -
Special Report - From Srebrenica to a safer tomorrow: Preventing future mass atrocities around the world: Government response to the Committee’s Third Report
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Tuesday 1st March 2022
Written Evidence -
University of Leeds / European Centre for the Responsibility to Protect (ECR2P)
DPA0024 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Written Evidence -
Dr Ewelina U. Ochab
DPA0001 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Written Evidence -
Search for Common Ground
DPA0002 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Tuesday 1st March 2022
Written Evidence -
International Rescue Committee UK
DPA0026 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Tuesday 1st March 2022
Written Evidence -
Conciliation Resources
DPA0025 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Written Evidence -
Westminster Foundation for Democracy
DPA0006 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Written Evidence -
School of Politics and International Relations, University of Leeds. Also, co-director of the European Centre for the Responsibility to Protect.
DPA0005 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Written Evidence -
DPA0003 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Written Evidence -
University of Westminster
DPA0004 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Written Evidence -
Justice Call
DPA0007 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Written Evidence -
UK Atrocity Prevention Working Group
DPA0013 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Written Evidence -
REDRESS Trust Limited
DPA0014 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Written Evidence -
Peace Direct
DPA0012 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Written Evidence -
Internews Europe
DPA0011 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Written Evidence -
Global Justice Center
DPA0015 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Written Evidence -
Oxford Institute for Ethics Law and Armed Conflict (ELAC)
DPA0016 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Written Evidence -
University of Leeds
DPA0017 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Written Evidence -
The Jo Cox Foundation
DPA0018 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Written Evidence -
Leeds Beckett University
DPA0020 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Written Evidence -
Cranfield University, and Cranfield University
DPA0019 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Written Evidence -
DPA0022 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Written Evidence -
All-Party Parliamentary Human Rights Group (PHRG)
DPA0010 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Written Evidence -
University of Plymouth
DPA0008 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Written Evidence -
Gillian McKay
DPA0009 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Tuesday 1st March 2022
Written Evidence -
Yet Again UK
DPA0023 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Thursday 19th May 2022
Written Evidence -
Guernica 37 Chambers
DPA0028 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Thursday 19th May 2022
Written Evidence -
Lighthouse Advocacy
DPA0027 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Tuesday 24th May 2022
Oral Evidence -
Matthew Field, and Pete Vowles
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Tuesday 14th June 2022
Written Evidence -
US Holocaust Memorial Museum's Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide
DPA0030 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Tuesday 14th June 2022
Written Evidence -
Protection Approaches
DPA0031 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Friday 14th January 2022
Oral Evidence -
Denisa Delić (Advocacy Director at International Rescue Committee), and Saidi Zirhumana (Deputy Director at Support Office for Peacebuilding in the DRC (Bureau de Soutien pour la Consolidation de la Paix))
International Rescue Committee, and Support Office for Peacebuilding in the DRC (Bureau de Soutien pour la Consolidation de la Paix)
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Friday 14th January 2022
Oral Evidence -
Savita Pawnday (Executive Director at Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect), and Natalie Samarasinghe (Chief Executive Officer at United Nations Association – UK)
Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, and United Nations Association – UK
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Wednesday 29th June 2022
Written Evidence -
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
DPA0032 - Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee
Tuesday 24th May 2022
Oral Evidence -
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, and Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Promoting dialogue and preventing atrocities: the UK government approach - International Development Committee