Alert results for: DCMS recall (Broadband) Inquiry

Information between 21st April 2022 - 19th June 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Select Committee Documents
Thursday 28th April 2022
Government Response - Treasury minutes: Government response to the Committee of Public Accounts on the Thirty Second report from Session 2021-22

DCMS recall (Broadband) - Public Accounts Committee
Tuesday 9th November 2021
Oral Evidence - 4 November 2021

DCMS recall (Broadband) - Public Accounts Committee
Monday 6th December 2021
Correspondence - Correspondence to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport relating to DCMS recall and Broadband, dated 2 December 2021

DCMS recall (Broadband) - Public Accounts Committee
Thursday 4th November 2021
Written Evidence - The Bit Commons
DRB0001 - DCMS recall (Broadband)

DCMS recall (Broadband) - Public Accounts Committee
Tuesday 16th November 2021
Written Evidence - Gigaclear
DRB0014 - DCMS recall (Broadband)

DCMS recall (Broadband) - Public Accounts Committee
Thursday 4th November 2021
Written Evidence - The Blackdown Hills Parish Network (BHPN) which addresses isssues of common concern to 39 parishes in the Blackdown Hills AONB.
DRB0002 - DCMS recall (Broadband)

DCMS recall (Broadband) - Public Accounts Committee
Thursday 4th November 2021
Written Evidence - Internet Service Providers' Association
DRB0004 - DCMS recall (Broadband)

DCMS recall (Broadband) - Public Accounts Committee
Thursday 4th November 2021
Written Evidence - Hertfordshire County Council
DRB0005 - DCMS recall (Broadband)

DCMS recall (Broadband) - Public Accounts Committee
Thursday 4th November 2021
Written Evidence - Stephen Horner
DRB0003 - DCMS recall (Broadband)

DCMS recall (Broadband) - Public Accounts Committee
Thursday 4th November 2021
Written Evidence - Ewan Sutherland
DRB0006 - DCMS recall (Broadband)

DCMS recall (Broadband) - Public Accounts Committee
Thursday 4th November 2021
Written Evidence - Openreach
DRB0007 - DCMS recall (Broadband)

DCMS recall (Broadband) - Public Accounts Committee
Thursday 4th November 2021
Written Evidence - The Local Government Association
DRB0008 - DCMS recall (Broadband)

DCMS recall (Broadband) - Public Accounts Committee
Thursday 4th November 2021
Written Evidence - INCA
DRB0009 - DCMS recall (Broadband)

DCMS recall (Broadband) - Public Accounts Committee
Thursday 4th November 2021
Written Evidence - CityFibre
DRB0010 - DCMS recall (Broadband)

DCMS recall (Broadband) - Public Accounts Committee
Thursday 4th November 2021
Written Evidence - Protect and Connect
DRB0012 - DCMS recall (Broadband)

DCMS recall (Broadband) - Public Accounts Committee
Thursday 4th November 2021
Written Evidence - Octopus Group
DRB0011 - DCMS recall (Broadband)

DCMS recall (Broadband) - Public Accounts Committee
Thursday 4th November 2021
Written Evidence - TalkTalk
DRB0013 - DCMS recall (Broadband)

DCMS recall (Broadband) - Public Accounts Committee