Alert results for: Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic Inquiry

Information between 17th April 2022 - 1st January 2025

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Select Committee Documents
Thursday 9th September 2021
Oral Evidence - 7 September 2021

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Friday 19th November 2021
Correspondence - Letter from the Secretary of State on General Practitioners and PCR tests dated 08.11.21

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Thursday 4th November 2021
Oral Evidence - 2 November 2021

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 30th November 2021
Correspondence - Letter from the Secretary of State on CQC integrated care systems dated 12.11.21

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Wednesday 20th October 2021
Oral Evidence - 19 October 2021

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Thursday 23rd September 2021
Oral Evidence - 21 September 2021

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Thursday 6th January 2022
Inquiry Publications - Ninth report - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Wednesday 25th May 2022
Government Response - Government Response to the Health and Social Care Committee Report on Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Wednesday 15th September 2021
Written Evidence - Policy Exchange
CBP0040 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Wednesday 15th September 2021
Written Evidence - Edwards Lifesciences
CBP0039 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Wednesday 15th September 2021
Written Evidence - The College of Optometrists
CBP0037 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Wednesday 15th September 2021
Written Evidence - Versus Arthritis
CBP0036 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Virgin Care
CBP0013 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Association of Dental Groups
CBP0014 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Spire Healthcare
CBP0015 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 7th December 2021
Written Evidence - Transcript of interview with Participant A
CBP0094 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 9th November 2021
Written Evidence - Policy Connect
CBP0093 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Wednesday 15th September 2021
Written Evidence - Royal College of Surgeons of England
CBP0035 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Wednesday 15th September 2021
Written Evidence - British Dental Association
CBP0034 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Association of Medical Insurers and Intermediaries (AMII)
CBP0002 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 21st September 2021
Written Evidence - LongCovidSoS
CBP0089 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 21st September 2021
Written Evidence - National Voices
CBP0088 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 21st September 2021
Written Evidence - Royal College of General Practitioners
CBP0090 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Wednesday 15th September 2021
Written Evidence - Ramsay Health Care UK
CBP0031 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - NHS Confederation
CBP0058 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - National Physical Laboratory (NPL)
CBP0059 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - n/a
CBP0060 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Health Tech Alliance
CBP0018 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - The King's Fund
CBP0016 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Royal College of Anaesthetists
CBP0017 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)
CBP0019 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Parkinson's UK
CBP0020 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - #CatchUpWithCancer campaign
CBP0073 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Novo Nordisk
CBP0072 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - University of Bristol, and Univeristy of Southampton
CBP0074 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Royal College of Anaesthetists
CBP0046 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Macmillan Cancer Support
CBP0047 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - AMRC
CBP0075 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Wednesday 15th September 2021
Written Evidence - Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation
CBP0033 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Wednesday 15th September 2021
Written Evidence - Centre for Perioperative Care
CBP0032 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH)
CBP0056 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - NHS Confederation
CBP0057 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Guardant Health
CBP0054 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons of England
CBP0022 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - The Company Chemists' Association
CBP0021 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Former employers: Dept. Of Health, Eastern Province, South Africa, Cwm Taf Health Board, Wales.
CBP0023 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Independent Healthcare Providers Network (IHPN)
CBP0024 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Heart Valve Voice
CBP0029 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Nuffield Health
CBP0028 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Alzheimer's Society
CBP0026 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - eConsult Health Limited
CBP0025 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - NHS Providers
CBP0027 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Royal College of Physicians
CBP0001 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Association of British HealthTech Industries
CBP0030 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
CBP0005 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Patient Experience Library
CBP0004 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - GRANTHA NEER
CBP0003 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Myeloma UK
CBP0006 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Royal College of Emergency Medicine
CBP0007 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - British Orthopaedic Association
CBP0008 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
CBP0009 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - The Royal College of Pathologists
CBP0011 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
CBP0010 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FICM)
CBP0012 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Alzheimer's Research UK
CBP0083 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Roche Products Ltd
CBP0061 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Mesothelioma UK
CBP0084 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Independent Age
CBP0063 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - The Neurological Alliance
CBP0062 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Philips UKI
CBP0064 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - The Health Foundation
CBP0066 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Sanofi
CBP0065 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Association of Anaesthetists
CBP0067 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Wednesday 15th September 2021
Written Evidence - Glaukos
CBP0041 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Wednesday 15th September 2021
Written Evidence - Paediatric Continence Forum
CBP0038 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Wednesday 15th September 2021
Written Evidence - Diabetes UK
CBP0042 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Wednesday 15th September 2021
Written Evidence - Galen
CBP0044 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Wednesday 15th September 2021
Written Evidence - Digital Healthcare Council
CBP0043 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - MSD
CBP0068 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - The Royal College of Psychiatrists
CBP0070 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - LongCovidSOS
CBP0069 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 21st September 2021
Written Evidence - Department of Health and Social Care
CBP0087 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 21st September 2021
Written Evidence - Royal College of Nursing
CBP0086 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - British Heart Foundation
CBP0081 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
CBP0082 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 19th October 2021
Written Evidence - MS Society
CBP0092 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 21st September 2021
Written Evidence - Rethink Mental Illness
CBP0085 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Endometriosis UK
CBP0049 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Urology Trade Association
CBP0048 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Janssen
CBP0050 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Cancer Research UK
CBP0051 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Medical Technology Group
CBP0053 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Local Optical Committee Support Unit
CBP0052 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Wednesday 15th September 2021
Written Evidence - Cancer52
CBP0045 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Crohn's & Colitis UK
CBP0076 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - The Nuffield Trust
CBP0078 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Breast Cancer Now
CBP0080 - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic

Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic - Health and Social Care Committee