Alert results for: The Elections Bill Inquiry

Information between 20th April 2022 - 8th July 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Select Committee Documents
Wednesday 27th April 2022
Correspondence - Letter to Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and Minister for Intergovernmental Relations, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities on the Elections Bill, dated 26.4.22

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Monday 25th April 2022
Correspondence - Letter from Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and Minister for Intergovernmental Relations on the Elections Bill, dated 25.4.22

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Wednesday 20th April 2022
Correspondence - Letter to Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Minister for Intergovernmental Relations on the Elections Bill, dated 12.4.22

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Friday 22nd October 2021
Correspondence - Letter to Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, Secretary f State, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities on the Elections Bill – follow up to the oral evidence session of 14th September, dated 23.9.21

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Correspondence - Letter from Chloe Smith MP, Minister of State for the Constitution and Devolution on the Elections Bill: Impact Assessment and other matters, dated 8.9.21

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Monday 13th December 2021
Inquiry Publications - Fifth Report - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 1st March 2022
Correspondence - Letter from Matt Stringer, Chief Executive Officer, Royal National Institute of Blind People on the Elections Bill, dated 23.2.22

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Correspondence - Letter to Chloe Smith MP, Minister of State for the Constitution and Devolution on Elections Bill impact assessment and other matters, dated 27.8.21

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Thursday 10th February 2022
Inquiry Publications - Response to this report

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Transparency International UK
TEB0049 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - The Patchwork Foundation
TEB0047 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Constitution Unit, University College London
TEB0050 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Scottish Assessors Association
TEB0042 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Cross-Border Services Group
TEB0045 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Full Fact
TEB0046 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - University of Sussex
TEB0044 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Involve
TEB0043 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Conservatives Abroad
TEB0051 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Mr Graham Allen
TEB0054 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Bond
TEB0053 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Electoral Reform Society
TEB0036 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - University of East Anglia
TEB0035 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Young Europeans Network, the3million
TEB0040 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Mermaids
TEB0037 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Unlock Democracy
TEB0039 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Trades Union Congress
TEB0034 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)
TEB0041 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - The Runnymede Trust
TEB0038 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Wednesday 8th December 2021
Written Evidence - Metro Mayor for the West of England
TEB0059 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Wednesday 8th December 2021
Written Evidence - Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA)
TEB0058 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Wednesday 8th December 2021
Written Evidence - South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority
TEB0060 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Wednesday 8th December 2021
Written Evidence - North of Tyne Combined Authority
TEB0057 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - The Electoral Management Board for Scotland
TEB0015 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Newcastle University
TEB0013 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Sense
TEB0014 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Chesham and Amersham ForwardTogether
TEB0019 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - University of Sussex
TEB0018 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Voice4Change England
TEB0024 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - LGBT Foundation
TEB0026 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Brunel University London
TEB0016 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - The Royal Mencap Society
TEB0017 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Roger Clarke
TEB0001 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Thursday 21st October 2021
Written Evidence - Make Votes Matter
TEB0056 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Thursday 21st October 2021
Written Evidence - Mayor of the West Midlands
TEB0055 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Jill Green
TEB0007 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - The Electoral Commission
TEB0006 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Sandra Figgess
TEB0008 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Brexpats - Hear Our Voice
TEB0020 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Mr Mark Munro
TEB0022 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Wednesday 8th September 2021
Oral Evidence - Dr Jessica Garland (Director of Policy and Research at Electoral Reform Society), Professor Toby James (Professor of Politics and Public Policy at University of East Anglia (UEA)), Peter Stanyon (Chief Executive at Association of Electoral Administrators), Angela Kitching (Head of External Affairs at Age UK), Helen Mountfield QC (Barrister at Matrix Chambers), Louise Edwards (Director of Regulation at Electoral Commission), Lord Evans of Weardale (Chair at Committee on Standards in Public Life), Professor Justin Fisher (Professor of Political Science and Director of Brunel Public Policy at Brunel University London), Pete O'Doherty (Assistant Chief Constable at Thames Valley Police), and Dr Sam Power (Lecturer at University of Sussex)
Electoral Reform Society, University of East Anglia (UEA), Association of Electoral Administrators, Age UK, Matrix Chambers, Electoral Commission, Committee on Standards in Public Life, Brunel University London, Thames Valley Police, and University of Sussex

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Wednesday 15th September 2021
Oral Evidence - Chloe Smith (Minister of State for the Constitution and Devolution at Cabinet Office)
Cabinet Office

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Bremain in Spain, and Bremain in Spain
TEB0010 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Committee on Standards in Public Life
TEB0011 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Association of Electoral Administrators
TEB0012 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Inclusion Scotland
TEB0029 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - National TULO
TEB0030 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Democracy Volunteers
TEB0031 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Stonewall
TEB0032 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Silver Voices
TEB0002 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Best for Britain
TEB0003 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Age UK
TEB0005 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - British in Europe ASBL
TEB0028 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Written Evidence - Liz Crosbie, and Lyn Dade
TEB0027 - The Elections Bill

The Elections Bill - Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee