Alert results for: Investigation and prosecution of rape Inquiry

Information between 21st April 2022 - 19th June 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Select Committee Documents
Wednesday 18th May 2022
Correspondence - Letter from the Home Secretary on the investigation and prosecution of rape, dated 10 May 2022

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 18th May 2022
Correspondence - Letter to the Home Secretary on the investigation and prosecution of rape, dated 11 April 2022

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Tuesday 12th April 2022
Inquiry Publications - Eighth Report - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 22nd June 2022
Correspondence - Letter from the Minister of State for Justice on improving the criminal justice system response to rape, dated 15 June 2022

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 9th February 2022
Correspondence - Letter from the Minister for Safeguarding following her appearance before the Committee on 15 December 2021, dated 1 February 2022

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 7th September 2022
Correspondence - Letter from the Director of Public Prosecutions on the Victims’ Right to Review Scheme, dated 30 August 2022

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 7th September 2022
Correspondence - Letter to the Director of Public Prosecutions on the Victims’ Right to Review Scheme, dated 27 July 2022

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 7th September 2022
Correspondence - Letter from the Home Secretary and the Deputy Prime Minister on the government response to the report on Investigation and Prosecution of Rape, dated 30 August 2022

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 7th September 2022
Correspondence - Letter to the Home Secretary and the Deputy Prime Minister on the government response to the report on Investigation and Prosecution of Rape, dated 27 July 2022

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 7th September 2022
Correspondence - Letter from Minister for Safeguarding on Government consultation on police requests for Third Party Material consultation, dated 9 August 2022

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 7th September 2022
Correspondence - Letter to Minister for Safeguarding on Government consultation on police requests for Third Party Material. consultation, dated 27 July 2022

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Monday 25th July 2022
Special Report - Third Special Report - The investigation and prosecution of rape: Government Response to the Committee’s Eighth Report of Session 2021–22

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 7th July 2021
Written Evidence - Anonymous
INV0012 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 23rd June 2021
Written Evidence - Rights of Women
INV0017 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 30th June 2021
Written Evidence - Ministry of Justice, Home Office, and Attorney General's Office
INV0020 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 16th June 2021
Written Evidence - Crown Prosecution Service
INV0014 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 16th June 2021
Written Evidence - Women's Aid Federation of England
INV0010 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Monday 13th December 2021
Written Evidence - End Violence Against Women Coalition
INV0033 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Monday 13th December 2021
Written Evidence - Victims' Commissioner for England and Wales
INV0032 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Monday 13th December 2021
Written Evidence - Emily, Rachel, and Susan
INV0031 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 24th November 2021
Written Evidence - Criminal Bar Association
INV0028 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 8th September 2021
Written Evidence - Dr Olivia Smith
INV0026 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 21st July 2021
Written Evidence - Information Commissioner
INV0024 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 8th September 2021
Written Evidence - Independent Sexual Violence Advocacy Service, Cambridge Rape Crisis Centre
INV0023 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 7th July 2021
Written Evidence - Centre for Women's Justice
INV0013 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 7th July 2021
Written Evidence - Disabled Survivors Unite
INV0011 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 16th June 2021
Written Evidence - Bournemouth University
INV0006 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 16th June 2021
Written Evidence - College of Policing
INV0008 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 16th June 2021
Written Evidence - University of Birmingham
INV0005 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 16th June 2021
Written Evidence - Rape Crisis England and Wales
INV0009 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 14th July 2021
Written Evidence - Solace Women's Aid
INV0015 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 14th July 2021
Written Evidence - Victims’ Commissioner for England and Wales
INV0021 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 12th January 2022
Written Evidence - University of Exeter Evidence-Based Justice Lab
INV0035 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 12th January 2022
Written Evidence - Crown Prosecution Service
INV0036 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 23rd June 2021
Written Evidence - End Violence Against Women Coalition
INV0018 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 16th June 2021
Written Evidence - Victims' Commissioner for England and Wales
INV0016 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 23rd June 2021
Written Evidence - UCL, City University London, Sheffield Hallam University, Royal Holloway, University of Birmingham, Middlesex University, City University London, Open University, and Child and Woman Studies Unit, London Metropolitan University
INV0002 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 15th December 2021
Written Evidence - The Justice in Covid-19 for Sexual Abuse and Violence Research Project Team
INV0034 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 26th January 2022
Written Evidence - Respondents to the Home Affairs Committee questions for those with lived experience
INV0037 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 19th January 2022
Written Evidence - Mr Jon Kennedy
INV0038 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Friday 17th December 2021
Oral Evidence - Rachel Maclean (Minister for Safeguarding at Home Office), Jerome Glass (Director General, Policy and Strategy Group at Ministry of Justice), and Jaee Samant (Director General, Public Safety Group at Home Office)
Home Office, Ministry of Justice, and Home Office

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Friday 3rd December 2021
Oral Evidence - Kirsty Brimelow QC (Vice-Chair at The Criminal Bar Association), Ellie Cumbo (Head of Public Law at The Law Society), Professor Penney Lewis (Criminal Law Commissioner at The Law Commission), and Derek Sweeting QC (Chair at The Bar Council)
The Criminal Bar Association, The Law Society, The Law Commission, and The Bar Council

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Tuesday 14th December 2021
Oral Evidence - Max Hill QC (Director of Public Prosecutions at Crown Prosecution Service)
Crown Prosecution Service

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Friday 22nd October 2021
Oral Evidence - Baroness Stern CBE (Chair, Independent Review into How Rape Complaints are Handled by Public Authorities in England and Wales (2010)), Rt Hon Sir John Gillen (Leader, Independent Review into the Law and Procedures in Serious Sexual Offences in Northern Ireland (2018–19)), Rt Hon Lady Dorrian (Lord Justice Clerk, Leader, Review into Improving the Management of Sexual Offence Cases (2020–21)), Sarah Crew (Temporary Chief Constable for Avon and Somerset Police, Lead for Rape and Adult Sexual Offences, National Police Chiefs Council), Donna Jones (Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire and Isle of Wight, Joint Lead for Supporting Victims, Association of Police and Crime Commissioners), and David Tucker (Faculty Lead on Crime and Criminal Justice at College of Policing)
Baroness Stern CBE, Rt Hon Sir John Gillen, Rt Hon Lady Dorrian, Sarah Crew, Donna Jones, and College of Policing

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Friday 25th June 2021
Oral Evidence - Dame Vera Baird QC (Victims' Commissioner for England and Wales), Duncan Craig OBE (Chief Executive Officer at Survivors Manchester), Emily Hunt (campaigner and independent Expert Advisor to the Ministry of Justice), Ellie Ball (ISVA Manager at Independent Sexual Violence Advocacy Service, Cambridge Rape Crisis Centre), Amelia Handy (Policy Lead at Rape Crisis England and Wales), and Rosie Lewis (Head of Policy at Imkaan)
Dame Vera Baird QC, Survivors Manchester, Emily Hunt, Independent Sexual Violence Advocacy Service, Cambridge Rape Crisis Centre, Rape Crisis England and Wales, and Imkaan

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Monday 12th July 2021
Oral Evidence - Dr Olivia Smith (Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Social Policy at Loughborough University), Professor Betsy Stanko OBE (Academic lead at Project Bluestone), and Professor Cheryl Thomas (Professor of Judicial Studies, Faculty of Laws at UCL)
Loughborough University, Project Bluestone, and UCL

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee
Wednesday 16th March 2022
Written Evidence - Survivor A
INV0039 - Investigation and prosecution of rape

Investigation and prosecution of rape - Home Affairs Committee