Alert results for: Children and young people's mental health Inquiry

Information between 17th April 2022 - 1st January 2025

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Select Committee Documents
Friday 18th March 2022
Government Response - Government Response to the Health and Social Care Committee Report on Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Friday 25th June 2021
Oral Evidence - 22 June 2021

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 29th June 2021
Correspondence - Letter from the Chief Executive of the Samaritans on the issue of online harms

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 26th April 2022
Correspondence - Corrosopndence from the Minister of Stte for Care and Mental Health on Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Friday 26th March 2021
Oral Evidence - 23 March 2021

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 18th May 2021
Correspondence - Letter from the National Mental Health Director and National Clinical Director for Mental Health, NHS England on Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 30th November 2021
Correspondence - Letter from the Secretary of State on mental health services dated 18.11.21

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Correspondence - Letter from Claire Murdoch and Tim Kendall to the Chair following up from 22 June evidence session, dated 17.08.21

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Correspondence - Letter from Nadine Dorries to the Chair following up from 22 June evidence session, dated 20.07.21

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Thursday 17th March 2022
Correspondence - Correspondence to the Secretary of State on the Government's Response to the Committee's Report on Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Thursday 17th March 2022
Correspondence - Correspondence to the Chair of the Liaison Committee on the Government's Response to the Committee's Report on Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Thursday 9th December 2021
Inquiry Publications - Second Special Report - The Health and Social Care Committee’s Expert Panel: Evaluation of the Government’s progress against its policy commitments in the area of mental health services in England

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Thursday 27th May 2021
Oral Evidence - 25 May 2021

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Thursday 22nd April 2021
Oral Evidence - 20 April 2021

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 16th March 2021
Written Evidence - Royal College of Psychiatrists
CYP0090 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 16th March 2021
Written Evidence - NHS Providers
CYP0068 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 16th March 2021
Written Evidence - Children's Commissioner for England
CYP0109 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 16th March 2021
Written Evidence - Place2Be
CYP0076 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 16th March 2021
Written Evidence - National Children's Bureau
CYP0079 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 16th March 2021
Written Evidence - Oxford Health Foundation Trust
CYP0067 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 16th March 2021
Written Evidence - British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
CYP0081 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 27th April 2021
Written Evidence - Teenage Cancer Trust
CYP0094 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 22nd June 2021
Written Evidence - Peter Kinsler, Dr James Hynes, Dr Helen Kennerley and Dr John Richer
CYP0118 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - UCL London Institute of Education, UCL London Institute of Education, UCL London Institute of Education, UCL London Institute of Education, UCL London Institute of Education, and UCL London Institute of Education
CYP0038 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - KidSafe UK Children's Mental Health & Safeguarding
CYP0039 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - London School of Economics
CYP0045 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - The Children and Young People's Mental Health Coalition
CYP0043 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - University of Essex and NTAS
CYP0004 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - Department for Health and Social Care
CYP0116 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - National Association for Therapeutic Education
CYP0001 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 27th April 2021
Written Evidence - Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) CIC
CYP0072 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 27th April 2021
Written Evidence - University of Roehampton
CYP0019 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 27th April 2021
Written Evidence - Association of Play Industries
CYP0084 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 27th April 2021
Written Evidence - The Royal College of Emergency Medicine
CYP0112 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 27th April 2021
Written Evidence - APPG for Strengthening Couple Relationships and Reducing Parental Conflict
CYP0113 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - The National Lottery Community Fund
CYP0063 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - Triple P UK
CYP0070 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - Lancashire Emotional Health in Schools and Colleges, within Lancaster University
CYP0069 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - Devon Partnership Trust
CYP0009 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - Education Policy Institute
CYP0078 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - Barnardo's
CYP0088 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - Youth Access
CYP0085 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - Association of Educational Psychologists
CYP0103 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - Mermaids
CYP0097 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - Whittington Health NHS Trust, Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust, Whittington Health NHS Trust, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, Tavistock & Portmant NHS Foundation Trust, and Whittington Health NHS Trust
CYP0106 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - Beat
CYP0110 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - Queen Mary University of London
CYP0111 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - Health Action Campaign
CYP0011 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - Caudwell Children
CYP0012 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - Centre for Suicide Research, University of Oxford
CYP0007 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - Canterbury Christ Church University
CYP0014 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - NHS and Royal College of Psychiatrists, and Virginia Davies
CYP0013 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - British Psychological Society
CYP0021 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - The National Counselling Society
CYP0018 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - Happity
CYP0017 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 27th April 2021
Written Evidence - Our Time
CYP0100 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 27th April 2021
Written Evidence - Cattanach
CYP0099 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - Parent Infant Foundation
CYP0050 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - School of Medicine, Keele University
CYP0047 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - University College London, University College London, and Institute of Fiscal Studies
CYP0057 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - Association of Directors of Children's Services (ADCS)
CYP0062 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - Leeds Beckett University (Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools)
CYP0031 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 27th April 2021
Written Evidence - The All-Party Parliamentary Group on a Fit and Healthy Childhood
CYP0115 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - Centre for Mental Health
CYP0037 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - The University of Manchester
CYP0036 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - The William Templeton Foundation for Young People's Mental Health
CYP0073 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 13th April 2021
Written Evidence - National Education Union (NEU)
CYP0071 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - Understanding Society, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex
CYP0023 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - Serenity Welfare
CYP0022 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - NAHT
CYP0024 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - Self-Harm Research Group, School of Psychology, University of Nottingham
CYP0030 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 22nd March 2022
Written Evidence - MeeToo Education
CYP0122 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 7th December 2021
Written Evidence - Institute for Mental Health and Institute for Policy and Engagement (Uni of Nottm)
CYP0086 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 7th December 2021
Written Evidence - the Actors' Children's Trust
CYP0089 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - Association of Youth Offending Team Managers Ltd.
CYP0044 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - The Children's Society
CYP0048 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - Kate Rufus, and Zoe Catterall
CYP0046 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - Horsham & Crawley Counselling Group CIC
CYP0025 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - Home-start UK
CYP0053 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - Royal College of Nursing
CYP0074 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow
CYP0075 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - The Prince's Trust
CYP0091 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Written Evidence - University of Cambridge, and not applicable
CYP0105 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 16th March 2021
Written Evidence - Intergenerational Foundation
CYP0015 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 16th March 2021
Written Evidence - Local Government Association
CYP0041 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 16th March 2021
Written Evidence - Mental Health Network, NHS Confederation
CYP0020 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 16th March 2021
Written Evidence - Mind
CYP0054 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 16th March 2021
Written Evidence - Samaritans
CYP0060 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 16th March 2021
Written Evidence - Mental Health Foundation
CYP0061 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 16th March 2021
Written Evidence - YoungMinds
CYP0066 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 29th June 2021
Written Evidence - Agenda Alliance
CYP0102 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 29th June 2021
Written Evidence - Mortal Fools
CYP0107 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 29th June 2021
Written Evidence - Square Peg
CYP0093 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 29th June 2021
Written Evidence - Families Need Fathers - because both parents matter
CYP0108 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 7th December 2021
Written Evidence - University of Nottingham
CYP0077 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 7th December 2021
Written Evidence - Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust
CYP0082 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 7th December 2021
Written Evidence - AiMH UK
CYP0083 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 7th December 2021
Written Evidence - Parenting Apart
CYP0065 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 7th December 2021
Written Evidence - Blackpool Centre for Early Child Development
CYP0064 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 7th December 2021
Written Evidence - Boingboing CIC, and Boingboing CIC
CYP0059 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 7th December 2021
Written Evidence - Nottingham Centre for Children, Young People and Families, Nottingham Trent University
CYP0055 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 7th December 2021
Written Evidence - Institute of Health Visiting
CYP0051 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 7th December 2021
Written Evidence - CLIC Sargent
CYP0028 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 7th December 2021
Written Evidence - Wave Trust
CYP0027 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 7th December 2021
Written Evidence - Tots Play Bexhill and Hastings West
CYP0010 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 29th June 2021
Written Evidence - Small Steps Big Changes
CYP0087 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 14th September 2021
Written Evidence - Da'aro Youth Project
CYP0121 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 25th May 2021
Written Evidence - Young Epilepsy
CYP0117 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 29th June 2021
Written Evidence - NIHR MindTech MedTech Co-Operative, University of Nottingham
CYP0114 - Children and young people's mental health

Children and young people's mental health - Health and Social Care Committee